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Kiev, Ukraine

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mu2308 Olga 34 jahre

Geburtsdatum October 14, 1989
Sternzeichen Libra (24.09-23.10)
Familienstand not married
Kinder no
Koöerpergröeβe 175
Gewicht 59
Augenfarbe brown
Haarfarbe black
Fremdsprachen good English, basic German
Beruf teacher
Wohnort Kirovograd
Land Ukraine
Photos of Olga, Age 34, Kirovograd

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I am inquisitive and thoughtful. I am very romantic. I want passion and true love. I am always willing to answer questions as I am open and honest.I believe in communication, trust, and honesty. These are the basics of any true relationship. Relationships are meant to be explored and I like to be inquisitive about my partner and hope he will be be open to me as well as inquisitive about me. Заранее спасибо!
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